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With more than 1.3 million monthly views, Beautician’s Profession is the place to be and be seen by development professionals who are serious about making a difference in the world.
Posting your jobs here immediately expands the reach of your recruitment by connecting you to our community of 1 million+ talented development, health, humanitarian and sustainability professionals ready to contribute to your mission.
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We are always looking for talented and dynamic candidates to join our team. In case you don’t see an opening of your choice, you can still send us your application through the Offline application process.
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By Email: Send your CV to, and mentioning position and location in the subject line: e.g. CA / Operations / location (your current location).
Why Us
Good economic indicators are a sign of upward mobility, positive progress and inclusive growth in a society; more so in developing countries like India. What contribute to a thriving economy are businesses and the spirit of entrepreneurship driving successful business enterprises. Unarguably, there is an innate urge in most people to start & own a business and be a positive contributor. You may be one such aspirant.
- Beauty & Wellness – a rapidly growing industry in the world; India – high potential market.
- India’s Beauty & Wellness market anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 18.6% till 2024
- Demand for contemporary salons on the rise.
- Profitable business with high margins.
- Grooming is now a necessity, no more a luxury

How 7FERA SALON JOBS Placement and Job Fairs
At 7FERA BEAUTICIANS SALON, we strive to bridge the gap between industry and the skilled youth to ensure we make the most of the opportunities for jobs and self-employment.
We support and provide guidance through “Mentorship” spearheaded by industry stalwarts by way of organizing counselling sessions for trained candidates and guiding way forward for Self-employment, Entrepreneurship & other aspects of the industry helping the candidates to gain career opportunity in the domain. Also, to build better employment opportunities for the skilled workforce, 7FERA SALON, in its earnest endeavor is regularly holding Job Fairs pan India wherein candidates can meet a variety of regional and national employers under one roof. Till date, SSC has organized more than 110 job fairs across the country.
We have leading salon, wellness and fitness chains like Lakme Salon, O2 SPA, VLCC, Geetanjali Salon, Classic Fitness and many more who participates in our placement drives and provide employment opportunities to the trained youth.
If you are looking for the right candidate for your organization, please get in touch with us at
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